Latisse® Eyelash Thickener in O’Fallon
Are you looking to improve your eyelashes in O’Fallon MO? There are a number of things that can cause eyelashes to thin and fall out. Everything from nutritional deficiencies and thyroid problems to poor skincare habits and the natural aging process can turn a thick fringe of eyelashes into a thinner, uneven smattering. As part of a whole-person style of providing wellness care to our patients, we see the importance to address these seemingly-cosmetic concerns as well. Not only can diminishing eyelashes signal a possible underlying health concern that needs to be addressed, but the person’s overall sense of well-being and attractiveness can suffer unless an appropriate solution is available. Fortunately, Latisse®, the only FDA-approved prescription eyelash thickener, is a good solution for many of our patients.
Prescription Latisse® offered in O’Fallon
Latisse® is a prescription application that our nurse practitioner can recommend helping re-grow and replenish your eyelashes. After a thorough consultation to determine and address any underlying health issues, our nurse practitioner can prescribe Latisse® for this purpose. Clinical studies showed that 91 percent of the women who used Latisse® experienced a marked increase in the length, darkness, and thickness of their eyelashes over the course of about 16 weeks.
The self-confidence factor that darker, fuller lashes have for women cannot be underestimated. As women reach the age of 40 and over, much notice that their eyelashes are starting to thin and become lighter, which can be distressing. Even perfectly healthy women notice the same problems, simply because of the natural process of aging and changes in hormone production. Being able to offer our patients Latisse® to correct what can be a significant self-esteem issue is just one way that we can help them feel better and more confident about themselves. And the more confident they feel in their personal appearance, the more likely they are to continue with the other healthy lifestyle changes and habits that we always encourage here at SlimCo Medical Weight Loss in O’Fallon.
Latisse® is only available by prescription, and under a medical provider’s supervision. Unlike over-the-counter eyelash thickeners which can come with many side-effects and complications, particularly without medical provider supervision, Latisse® is only given under our nurse practitioner’s care. Like any prescription, Latisse® can have unintended side-effects if not used properly, which is why patients are provided instruction and guidance on the usage of this eyelash-thickening solution. Some commonly reported side effects to include mild eye irritation, darkening of the pupils, as well as darkening of the upper eyelid skin. Latisse® is only meant for use on the upper eyelid, not the lower. If you have any current eye infection problems, eye pressure conditions, or are taking any other medications, it is important to discuss these initiatives.
If you suffer from inadequate or thinning eyelashes, call our team at SlimCo Medical Weight Loss to schedule an appointment to talk with our nurse practitioner about whether or not Latisse® may be a good solution for you!
By Jeffrey Becker D.C.
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:30pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
By appointment only.
SlimCo Medical Weight Loss
8631 Mexico Road
O'Fallon, MO 63366